Day 1: Discover Your Tarot ā€˜Spirit Gatekeeperā€™

Welcome to Day 1: Here we go!!! I’m so hyped that you’ve decided to take this challenge and step into your spiritual bag to reach your tarot divining potential this week! You’re going to kill this!!


When divining with Tarot, you can milk the most out of your message, gain immense clarity and rely on some accurate message when you work with an elevated Spirit Guide that is for your highest good. Your gatekeeper can be a Spirit Guide you reference when reading the cards or tuning into your intuition. I personally love connecting to a variety of Spirit Guides when reading the Tarot and I know you’ll have an amazing time connecting with yours.


I’m going to teach you how to establish that connection with your own Tarot ‘Spirit Gatekeeper’ in the video below.




Your homework for this challenge is to:


  • Perform the meditation & pull a card from your deck that will provide more context about your Spirit Gatekeeper. Don’t worry about reading the card - just immediately go off of your first impressions.


  • Journal your experience & insights.


  • Share your experience about the challenge on your Social Media using hashtag: #ReadYoSelfToFilth




Make sure you Save the date! On Monday, August 26th Join me for the ‘Read Yo Self to Filth’ Webinar at 7pm ct / 8pm est, where we will go even deeper with every concept we explore in this challenge. It’s gonna be fly! You’ll receive an invite directly after the challenge is over so watch your email! 


P.S. If you’re ready and you want to join my Tarot 101 Divination course, “Embodying the High Priestess”  enrollment is now open!! Challenge members get an EXCLUSIVE SALE that is only available for a WEEK til Mon, August 26th. Use Code: FULLYLUCKY to get $700 off the FULL price of the course for $800 total (original price is $1500) or Use Code: MONTHLYLUCKY to get $57 a month, off the 12 month plan for $68/ mth (original monthly plan is $125/mth). THIS IS THE BEST OFFER I'VE EVER GIVEN ANYONE EVAAAA!! So take advantage of this early enrollment THIS WEEK! After the 26th, prices will go up! JOIN NOW!!


And you're gonna want to enroll in ETHP Tarot Divination 101 because in 2025, LEVEL 2 will be opening for alumni members!! 


See y’all tomorrow for Day 2!





If you're ready to sign up for the 'Embodying the High Priestess Course' Click Below.
