Day 3: Wake TF Up! Opening & Running Our Energy Fields

Aight so BOOM!! Welcome to Day 3! We in the groove now getting nice and cozy with our decks and ready to open up our personal energy centers to be able to receive elevated guidance.


Throughout my 20+ years of reading Tarot, I’ve encountered many people who feel their intuition is broken, they can’t read Tarot or they’re blocked in some capacity from accessing higher wisdom. 


We can fix that tho. No biggie.


Often we are so inundated with consuming other people's energies and our day to day lives, that we aren’t aware that we have the power to cleanse, clear and heal our energy centers - EASILY and open ourselves up to divine guidance. 


Many people don’t do this energy practice because they simply aren't aware of it but it’s a quick trick that works effectively and can be done for reading tarot or anything else in your life. Needless to say - I’ve got you!


Learn to open and run your energy fields in this video below:



 (Please NOTE: If you've missed ANY of the Challenge days go HERE.)

Your homework for this challenge is to:

  • Perform the meditation & Pull a card to provide more insight on your process & the state of your energy. Don’t worry about reading the card - just immediately go off of your first impressions. 
  • Journal your experience & insights.
  • Share your experience about the challenge on your Social Media using hashtag: #ReadYoSelfToFilth


Make you Save the date! On Monday, October 23rd Join me for the ‘Read Yo Self to Filth’ Webinar where we will go even deeper with every concept we explore in this challenge. It’s gonna be fly! You’ll receive an invite directly after the challenge is over so watch your email!


See y’all tomorrow for Day 4!





P.S. If you’re ready and you want to join my Tarot 101 Divination course, “Embodying the High Priestess” you can read about it use code: READ2FILTH for the full payment or READ2FILTHPLAN for the payment plan option at the checkout box and get $600 off the course until end of Mon, Oct 23rd!! Sign up here! 


If you're ready to sign up for the 'Embodying the High Priestess Course' Click Below.
